our committee > updates & meetings
IFLA Cultural Landscapes Committee
Updates & Meetings
The IFLA Cultural Landscapes Committee meets to discuss current activities and items of interest in the preservation of cultural landscapes. According to our statutes the IFLA CLC convenes a minimum of one meeting per year, scheduled to coincide with the IFLA World Congress. We have and will continue to use opportunities for meetings of IFLA CLC members at IFLA regional symposia or other professional gatherings.
Minutes and presentations from these meetings serve as an informative record. The work of the IFLA CLC advances through these meetings and through ongoing correspondence and sharing of information related to cultural landscapes on the IFLA CLC website. Meetings minutes and presentations are included here for information, review and comment.
Upcoming Meetings
- IFLA CLC Meeting, Capetown, South Africa, September 5-7, 2012
- IFLA CLC Americas, Medellín, Colombia, October 17-20, 2012
- IFLA CLC Asia Pacific Region, Shanghai, China, October 20-22, 2012
Past IFLA CLC Meetings
- IFLA CLC Asia Pacific Region, Seoul National University, Korea, December 2011
- ISOLA, Seventh National Conference, Ahmedabad, India, September 2011
- IFLA Cultural Landscapes Committee Meeting & Workshop on Analysis, 48th IFLA World Congress 2011, Scales of Nature, Switzerland June 2011
- IFLA CLC Americas Meeting, ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica, December 2007
- IFLA CLC Meeting, IFLA World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2007
- IFLA CLC Meeting, IFLA ASLA Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, October 2006
- IFLA HGCL Meeting, IFLA World Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2005
- IFLA HGCL Planning Meeting, World Heritage Conference, Vienna, May 2005

IFLA: CLC Asia Pacific Region Meeting
Seoul, Korea, December 2011
Symposium Report
Keynote by Professor Rana P.B. Singh
ISOLA, Seventh National Conference
Ahmedabad, India, September 2011
Conference Theme, Cultural Landscapes
Keynote by Patricia O'Donnell
IFLA: CLC at 48th IFLA Congress
Switzerland June 2011
IFLA CLC World Council Report by Patricia O'Donnell
IFLA : CLC Meeting Summaries
Santiago, Chile, August 2010
San Jose, Costa Rica, December 2007
IFLA : CLC Meeting Presentation
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2007
IFLA : HGCL Meeting Minutes
Edinburgh, Scotland, 28 June 2005
Vienna, Austria, 15 May 2005
The authenticity of our cultural heritage is directly related to our cultural identity.
ICOMOS, Declaration of San Antonio, 1996