IFLA: Cultural Landscapes Committee

our committee > purpose

Overview & IFLA CLC Membership

The activities of the IFLA CLC address the safeguarding, protection, conservation and preservation of cultural landscapes through technical support, education, research, advocacy and other measures determined by the members and written into the annual plan of work.

Collaboration with international organizations of parallel interests, such as UNESCO, ICOMOS, IUCN, ICCROM, ISOCARP, UIA, and EUROPEAN COUNCIL, should be pursued to benefit cultural landscapes and the work of the IFLA CLC.

The Constitution and By-laws of IFLA are the fundamental base for the structure of IFLA committees. The IFLA CLC shall conduct its activities by engaging the members in the development of a realistic and achievable plan of work that is updated annually and circulated to the membership. All members are expected to participate in the work of the IFLA CLC through ongoing correspondence and sharing of information related to cultural landscapes.

All members of IFLA can be members of the IFLA CLC and participate at the global and regional levels. IFLA CLC members are urged to affirm a professional obligation to the stewardship of cultural landscapes.  Please provide a Curriculum Vitae for the information of the IFLA CLC membership that includes works relevant to cultural landscapes. Member CV's should be prepared in pdf format, maximum of 4 pages, for website posting. For privacy, provide your location, but not your full address. 


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Terms of Reference

1. PURPOSE OF COMMITTEE: To develop capacity, promote and provide technical exchanges to assist the landscape architecture profession through IFLA and its partners in the realm of cultural landscapes of global, national, regional and local importance.

The activities of the IFLA CLC will address the safeguarding, protection, conservation and preservation of cultural landscapes through technical support, education, research, advocacy and other measures determined by the members and written into the annual plan of work. It will also collaborate with international organizations of parallel interests, such as UNESCO, ICOMOS, IUCN, ICCROM, ISOCARP, UIA, and the EUROPEAN COUNCIL, to benefit cultural landscapes and the work of the IFLA CLC. The Constitution and By-laws of IFLA are the fundamental base for the structure of this IFLA committee.

2. COMPOSITION OF MEMBERS: The committee shall consist of an World Chair, Regional Chairs or Co-Chairs representing the four IFLA regions, and volunteer members with experience and/or interest in cultural landscapes.

Membership in the IFLA CLC is open to all IFLA members and is ideally large, geographically diverse and engaged in making contributions to the committee work program and initiatives.

3. APPOINTMENT: Method: The Chair is to be recommended by the IFLA EXCO and approved by the World Council. Regional chairs or co-chairs are to be recommended by the regions and approved by IFLA President and the IFLA CLC chair.

Term Length: The World Chair and Regional Chairs/Co-Chairs are to serve one three-year term each, which may be renewed for two subsequent terms. Terms are to be staggered on a rotational basis, so that the World Chair and Regional Chairs do not all change in any one year.
Membership in the IFLA CLC is not based on terms, but remains open and indefinite in length.

4. REPORTING TO: The Chair of the IFLA CLC reports to the IFLA EXCO and, through them, to the World Council with a minimum of an annual report submitted for each World Council Meeting.
Periodic reporting and updating of the IFLA CLC by the Chair and Regional Chairs to the members will occur at least bi-annually, via webmail.

5. DUTY TO KEEP MINUTES AND ACCOUNTS: The Chair shall record meeting minutes with the assistance of Regional Chairs or members. The Chair shall keep a record of decisions affecting expenditure, and monitor and record expenditures for submittal to the IFLA Treasurer. The Chair, in coordination with the Regional Chairs or Co-chairs, shall develop an annual budget that supports the agreed work program for submittal to the IFLA EXCO.

The Chair shall present an annual report on committee achievements, issues and priorities to the annual World Council meeting in person or through a delegated representative.
The IFLA EXCO will recommend a committee operating budget to the World Council for approval as part of the IFLA Annual Budget.

6. MEETINGS, WORK PLAN:  In-person IFLA CLC meetings will be held at least once a year during the IFLA World Congress. Otherwise, the business of the committee shall be mainly transacted by electronic means.

The IFLA CLC shall conduct its activities by engaging the members in the development of a realistic and achievable plan of work that is updated annually and circulated to the membership. All members will be encouraged to participate in the work of the IFLA CLC through ongoing correspondence and sharing of information related to cultural landscapes.

7. AGENDAS: Agendas for meetings and electronic discussions are to be developed by the World Chair, with the assistance of Regional Chairs or Co-chairs, and transmitted to Committee members at least one month before the annual meeting at the World Congress.

8. AMENDMENT OR EXTENSION OF TERMS:  The committee may seek an amendment of these terms by the IFLA EXCO.

All members of IFLA can be members of the IFLA CLC and actively participate in this vehicle for global exchange, learning from each other and advocating cultural landscape preservation.

At the broadest level, the natural and cultural heritage belongs to all people. We each have a right and responsibility to understand, appreciate and conserve its universal values.

International Cultural Tourism Charter, 1999